showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Ultima II: Revenge of the Enchantress Sierra On-Line1985role-play Fantasy labelimageminimize
Beyond Dark Castle Silicon Beach Software1987action/reflex maze platformer Fantasy labelimageminimize
Legends of the Lost Realm  Avalon Hill1988role-play Fantasy labelimageminimize
Gauntlet Mindscape (Sorcerer's Apprentice Software Productions)1989maze shooter Fantasy labelimageminimize
Jetpack author1992platformer labelimageminimize
Legend author1993role-play labelimageminimize
Heirs to Skull Crag  SSI (MicroMagic;SSI)1993maze strategy role-play Fantasy Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Lost!  author1994maze labelimageminimize
Quake  MacSoft (Lion Entertainment)1997Fantasy Horror Science Fiction shooter labelminimizeminimize